Unsere zweite App, der “Party & Event Planer”, hat es in Apples App Store geschafft. Mit dieser App organisieren Sie eine oder bei Bedarf auch mehrere Veranstaltungen einfach, schnell und effizient.
Zur Partyplaner App
Unknown App
check in App Store
Update 09.07.2012

Die App Partyplaner wird seit heute in Deutschlands führendem App-Verzeichnis “Coole Apps” von telefon.de geführt.

Die App Partyplaner wird seit heute in Deutschlands führendem App-Verzeichnis “Coole Apps” von telefon.de geführt.
I need the app really works!! I bought this app but it does not work. It is a shame because the idea is really good. I required a solution please.
I apologize. What exactly was purchased? The guest list?
Please uninstall and re-install the app, and then make the purchase again. It will not be called into account.
I love this app, however it does not sync between my iPad and iPhone. This therefore means its useless to me.
Please can you get this working ASAP
At the moment Apple has problems with the iCloud sync. If they have fixed it we will integrate these feature.
Is there a way to sync ipad and iphone apps?
Please use our Birthday & Party Planner app: